Questions or media inquiries about the below data can be submitted to MDOT MVA’s Highway Safety Office’s Communications and Media Manager Anna Levendusky.



Source: Motor vehicle crash fatality data is compiled from police crash reports submitted to the Maryland Department of State Police (MDSP) through the Automated Crash Reporting System (ACRS) and is subject to change. (See data definitions for detail on how summaries were derived.)

Restriction of Liability: MDSP and MDOT’s Motor Vehicle Administration Highway Safety Office (MHSO) make no representations or warranties expressed or implied, with respect to the reuse of the data provided herewith regardless of its format or the means of its transmission. There is no guarantee or representation to the user as to the accuracy, currency, suitability, or reliability of this data for any purpose. The user accepts the data “as is.” This information is prepared for the purpose of identifying, evaluating, and planning safety improvements on public roads which may be implemented utilizing Federal-aid highway funds pursuant to sections 130, 144 and/or 148 of Title 23 of the United States Code.

Note: Note: Fatality counts will not match those released by the MDSP on their public dashboards ( or the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS) due to timing and reporting criteria. Also note that the MDSP public data dashboards include non-traffic fatalities that are excluded from the Fatal Crash Dashboard. An explanation can be found here.

Map: Crash locations reflect the approximate locations of the incident based on longitudinal and latitudinal information provided by the officer in the Maryland State Police Automated Crash Reporting System (ACRS). Certain crashes may not appear on maps if there is insufficient detail to establish a specific, mappable location.

Fatal Crash Dashboard