Grant & Projects for Safety – Log In

General grant applicants are encouraged to develop proposals for outreach initiatives that focus on Maryland’s highway safety priorities: impaired driving prevention, distracted driving prevention, speeding and aggressive driving prevention, occupant protection, and the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists, young and older drivers

All grants are provided as reimbursement only and expenses must be incurred before funds are disbursed. Applicants interested in submitting proposals that focus on traffic records should also apply through the general grant application.  

Applicants should be sure the proposed project addresses an identified highway safety priority and includes strategies, action steps, and measurable outcomes. Questions to help guide pre-planning prior to contacting a technical advisor at the MHSO and completing a grant application are provided below: 

  • What is the highway safety problem you intend to address? 
  • Who is your target population? Is this a local or statewide effort? 
  • What is the proposed solution you will implement to resolve the highway safety problem? 
  • How will you evaluate the program? 

Technical Support

Technical and programmatic assistance is available. For statewide grant projects or initiatives, please contact the MHSO at 410-787-4050.

Contact Info

Mary Harmon

Section Manager, Finance & Information Systems

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