Grants & Projects for Safety – Log In 

Law Enforcement grant applicants are encouraged to develop proposals for enforcement initiatives that focus on Maryland’s highway safety priorities: impaired driving prevention, distracted driving prevention, speeding and aggressive driving prevention, occupant protection, and the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists.

Emphasis Area Funding for Law Enforcement

A description of funding available to law enforcement for each emphasis area can be found below. All grants are provided as reimbursement only, and expenses must be incurred before funds are disbursed.

Aggressive Driving

Funding for officer overtime is available for aggressive driving enforcement patrols. Examples of aggressive driving infractions include speeding, red-light running, failure to yield, reckless driving, following too close, improper turn, and other hazardous violations. Operations must be data-driven and targeted in areas of greatest need as determined by crash data. Highway safety funds can be used to implement a year-round aggressive driving enforcement strategy. In addition to officer overtime, funds may be used for training and equipment if a need is demonstrated and funds are available.

Distracted Driving

Funding for officer overtime is available for distracted driving enforcement patrols. These funds are designed to decrease distracted driving violations by enforcing Maryland’s hand-held cell phone and texting laws. Operations must be data-driven, with target locations being based on crash and citation data. Funds will be available for officer overtime and training if a need is demonstrated and funds are available.

Impaired Driving

Funded projects will target high-crash locations and corridors where there has been a high incidence of DUI-related crashes and arrests. Evidence-based enforcement operations include saturation patrols (consisting of two or more officers patrolling high-crash areas during peak times) and checkpoints. Funds will be available for officer overtime, training, and equipment if a need is demonstrated and funds are available.

Occupant Protection

Funding is available for projects that are evaluated to best increase seat belt use and promote the proper use of child safety seats. Operations must be data-driven and target locations based on crash and citation data. Funding will be provided for officer overtime, training, and equipment if a need is demonstrated and funds are available.


Funding is available for projects designed to improve pedestrian/bicyclist safety, and for projects that increase motorist awareness through enforcement. High-priority locations selected through a data-driven approach will be utilized. Funding will be provided for officer overtime, training, and equipment if a need is demonstrated and funds are available.

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