MDOT MVA Highway Safety Grants & Projects for Safety
Maryland Highway Safety Office (MHSO) has grants for both Law Enforcement and General Highway Safety activities for eligible agencies. The MHSO grants further the goals laid out in the Maryland Strategic Highway Safety Plan.
General Overview of Grants
The MHSO administers grant-funded programs that address priority areas such as impaired driving prevention, distracted driving prevention, speeding and aggressive driving prevention, occupant protection, and the safety of pedestrians, bicyclists, motorcyclists, young and older drivers. In addition, grant funds can be awarded toward projects that help improve the quality of traffic safety data.
State, county, and local government agencies; law enforcement agencies; non-profit organizations; institutions of higher education; and hospitals are encouraged to develop projects in collaboration with the four E’s of highway safety- education, enforcement, engineering, and emergency medical services. Funding is provided on a competitive basis to projects that are data-driven, and to those that implement evidence-based countermeasures with goals of eliminating motor vehicle crashes and the associated injuries and fatalities.
The application must be completed and submitted electronically through the MHSO’s online grants system, Grants & Projects for Safety (GPS).
Types Of Grants Available
There are two types of grant applications available, one specifically for law enforcement and another for general applications. Click below to learn more about qualifications, restrictions, and other important information.
General Safety Grants
Funding opportunities are available for State, county, and local government agencies; non-profit organizations; institutions of higher education; and hospitals.
Law Enforcement Grants
Funding opportunities are available for State, county, and local law enforcement agencies. Funding can be used for overtime enforcement, equipment, and other traffic safety initiatives.
Current Grantees
An overview of all MHSO grantees for the current Federal Fiscal Year.