
Be The Driver - Who Saves Lives

The animated campaign depicts common situations that drivers, riders, and pedestrians often face and illustrates each road user's personal responsibility to Be the Driver - Who Saves Lives.

Crashes Are No Accident

MDOT encourages the use of crash instead of accident when talking, writing, or reporting on motor vehicle incidents.

Maryland’s Move Over Law

It’s Maryland Law to change lanes or slow down when approaching ANY stopped, standing, or parked vehicle displaying warning signals – including hazard warning lights, road flares, or other caution signals including traffic cones, caution signs, or non-vehicular warning signs.

What To Do During A Roadside Emergency

Multiple state agencies have come together to provide guidance to motorists to keep them and others safe in the event of an emergency incident, minor vehicle crash while traveling, or a vehicle breakdown.

Work Zone Safety

When you see a work zone approaching, do your part — stay alert, slow down and be prepared to change lanes if necessary for the safety of our workers.